Can cats Eat Celery?

Can cats eat celery

Cats are known for their picky eating habits, but have you ever wondered if your feline friend can eat celery? The answer is yes, cats can eat celery. However, it should be given as an occasional treat and not a staple in their daily diet.

Celery is a low-calorie food item with high water content and fiber content. These properties can provide health benefits for your cat, such as aiding in digestion and supporting kidney functions. However, it’s important to remember that while celery offers nutritional benefits, it should not replace commercial cat foods which are specifically designed to meet the dietary needs of cats.

Feeding your cat celery in moderate amounts can be a safe and healthy treat. But, too much celery can lead to stomach upset and other digestive issues. So, pet parents should always monitor their cat’s reaction to new foods.

In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the benefits of celery for cats, how to properly serve it, and what to watch out for. We will also discuss other human foods that are safe for cats to consume.

Remember, every cat is unique and may react differently to certain food items. Always consult with a vet before introducing new foods into your cat’s diet. 

What Do Veterinarians Say about Feeding Celery to Cats? 

Veterinarians generally agree that celery can be a safe food for cats when given in moderation. This vegetable is packed with nutritional benefits such as fiber content, water content, and essential vitamins like vitamin K, vitamin C, and folic acid. These nutrients can support your feline friend’s overall health.

However, it’s important to remember that cats are carnivores. Their primary source of nutrition should be high-quality protein from animal sources. While celery can provide some health benefits, it should not replace meat proteins in your cat’s diet.

Giving your cat too much celery can lead to digestive issues. This is because cats have a different digestive system than humans. They may struggle to digest large amounts of vegetables. So, always chop the celery into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking and ease digestion.

Also, be aware that some cats may have an allergic reaction to celery. If your cat shows any signs of an upset stomach, stop feeding them celery and seek veterinary care.

while celery can be a healthy occasional treat for cats, it should not be a regular part of their daily diet. Always consult with your vet before introducing new food items into your cat’s diet. 

Can Cats Eat Celery?

Yes, cats can eat celery. However, it should be given in small, bite-sized pieces and only as an occasional treat. Celery is not toxic to cats and can provide some health benefits due to its high fiber content and water content. It can aid in digestive health and support kidney functions.

However, it’s important to remember that cats are carnivores and their primary source of nutrition should be animal protein. While celery can offer some nutritional benefits, it should not replace high-quality protein in your feline friend’s diet.

Also, some cats might have an aversion to celery due to its strong aroma. So, if your cat doesn’t seem interested in celery, don’t force it. Always make sure to wash the celery thoroughly before feeding it to your cat to remove any pesticides or chemicals.

Lastly, while celery is safe for cats, not all vegetables are. For example, raw potatoes and anything from the Allium family (like onions and garlic) are toxic to cats. Always consult with your vet before introducing new food items into your cat’s diet. 

Nutritional Benefits of Celery for Cats? 

Celery can offer some nutritional benefits to your feline friend. Here are a few:

  • Fiber Content: Celery is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestive health and help prevent digestive issues in cats.
  • Water Content: Celery is high in water content, which can help keep your cat hydrated and support kidney functions.
  • Low-Calorie Content: As a low-calorie food item, celery can be a healthy occasional treat for cats, especially those on a diet.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Celery contains essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin K, folic acid, and beta carotene, which can contribute to overall feline health.
  • Natural Diuretic: Celery has natural diuretic properties, which can help flush salt from the body and maintain healthy blood pressure.

However, it’s important to remember that celery should not replace commercial cat foods as the primary source of nutrition in your cat’s daily diet. Always consult veterinary guidance before introducing new food items to your cat’s diet. 

Potential Health Risks of Feeding Celery to Cats? 

Feeding celery to your feline friend can have potential health risks. Here are some points to consider:

  • Celery has a high fiber content which can cause digestive issues in cats if consumed in large amounts. It can lead to stomach upset and other digestive health problems.
  • The water content in celery can interfere with the kidney functions of cats. Cats are natural carnivores and their bodies are not designed to process high amounts of water from food items.
  • While celery is low in sugar content, it can still cause health issues in cats if they consume it in large amounts. Cats are not designed to process sugars like humans.
  • The alkaline content in celery can cause stomach irritation in cats. This is because cats have a naturally acidic stomach.
  • Celery seeds can cause allergic reactions in some cats. If your cat has a known allergy to celery, it is best to avoid feeding it to them.
  • Excessive consumption of celery can lead to calcium oxalate bladder stones in cats. This is due to the high amounts of oxalates in celery.
  • Lastly, while celery is a good source of vitamins like Vitamin K, it is not a primary source of nutrition for cats. Cats require a diet high in animal protein, which celery does not provide.

Always consult with a vet before introducing new foods into your cat’s diet. 

How to Feed Celery to Cats Safely? 

Feeding celery to your feline friend can be a healthy occasional treat. Celery is an excellent source of fiber content, water content, and other nutritional benefits. However, it’s important to know how to feed celery to cats safely. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Wash the Celery: Always wash the celery thoroughly before giving it to your cat. This removes any pesticides or harmful bacteria that could cause health issues.

2. Cut into Bite-Sized Pieces: Cut the celery into small, bite-sized pieces. This makes it easier for your cat to eat and reduces the risk of choking.

3. Monitor Your Cat: Keep an eye on your cat while they’re eating the celery. If they show any signs of stomach upset or other adverse reactions, stop feeding them the celery immediately.

4. Limit the Amount: Celery should not replace your cat’s daily diet. It should only be an occasional treat. Too much celery could lead to digestive issues.

5. Avoid Celery Seeds and Leaves: The seeds and leaves of celery can be harmful to cats. Stick to the stalks and always remove the leaves and seeds.

6. Consult Your Vet: Before introducing any new food items into your cat’s diet, it’s always a good idea to consult with your vet. They can provide guidance based on your cat’s health and dietary needs.

Remember, while celery has health benefits like aiding in digestion and supporting kidney functions, it should not be the primary source of nutrition for your cat. Commercial cat foods are specially formulated to meet all of your cat’s nutritional needs, including protein, essential amino acids, and vitamins.

Additionally, some cats may have an aversion to celery due to its aroma or texture. If your cat doesn’t seem interested in the celery, don’t force them to eat it. There are plenty of other safe food options for cats that they might enjoy more.

while celery can be a healthy treat for cats, it’s important to feed it to them safely. Always wash and cut the celery into small pieces, monitor your cat while they’re eating, limit the amount of celery, avoid the seeds and leaves, and consult your vet before introducing any new foods into your cat’s diet. 


In a nutshell, cats can eat celery. This veggie offers some health benefits like fiber content and water content that can aid in digestive health. However, it should only be given as an occasional treat and not a staple in their daily diet. Too much celery can lead to stomach upset and other digestive issues. Always chop the celery into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking and serve it raw or steamed. Remember, commercial cat foods are specially formulated to meet all your feline friend’s nutritional needs. So, while it’s okay to share some human foods like celery, these should never replace a balanced, AAFCO-approved cat food diet. Always consult with your vet before introducing new food items into your cat’s diet.

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